2 Months Down!
It's hard to believe that Charlie arrived 2 whole months ago. I think he is possibly the most popular boy in the NICU:) So many of you have visited, called and passed along your thoughts & prayers Charlie- you've all played a huge role in helping us get this far. From Charlie, Chuck and I - THANK YOU!!!
As of today, Charlie is 4 pounds, 3 ounces and a little over 16 inches long. He is growing steady and doing really well with his bottle feeds. We have recently been nursing - and it's starting to work;) His Brady and Desat episodes have, for the most part, been during his feeds which is better than through out the day. We are really just waiting and watching him feed and grow at this point.
Many of you have asked when we will be able to take Charlie home, and the answer is still "We don't know." At this point Charlie is doing great and improving each day, but he still has some growing and developing to do. My original due date was January 16th and the doctors have always said to shoot for that day. We are hopeful to be close to that date. We cannot wait to have him home with us, and for any of you that have parked in the Huron & Superior parking garage - if I have to hear Bing Crosby music one more month, I may literally go insane!
We have also had questions about our friends Sam and Mary and their little girl Meara - Meara is doing great! She was Charlie's first little buddy in the NICU and is quite a little fighter. She is over 2 pounds now and getting bigger each day. For any of you that want to follow her progress, please follow her through the Caring Bridge website and search for Baby Angellotti. Sam and Mary have been a great support system through this journey and we are so grateful to have them. I'm sure Chuck and I have given them some comedic entertainment in return:)
Leftover Christmas photos!
Grandma Chris brought Charlie some super cute Santa Jammies -
he kind of looks like a cute Where's Waldo!
Charlie is starting to make tons of facial expressions. Here he is showing some of his favorites.
I'm bored with you, please leave.
Snuggle time with Grandma Chris!
So cute:) Moments before he removed his feeding tube...AGAIN!
Our favorite nurse helping Daddy give Charlie a bath.
Nurse Linda puts up with a lot of Chuck & Sarah - we love her:)
Nooooooo, please don't put me in there!!!!!
I hate it, I hate it, I hate it.
Maybe this isn't too bad...
The heat lamps are nice...
No they're not...I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!
Happy 2 Months to me!