Earlier this week I received a call from the hospital and my heart stopped as I answered the call. I was quickly relieved and excited to hear that the call was to tell me Charlie was moving! We were being kicked out from the acute wing of the NICU to the "step-down" area. The nurses have also referred to this area as the "feeders & growers" section. Basically, we just need Charlie to get bigger:) He's been doing a really great job with his breathing and keeping his oxygen levels up - we just need to fatten him up at this point! He's at 3 lbs 6 oz and is officially filling out his preemie clothes:)
Due to his pale complexion, I think he was relocated to another window unit:)
Doesn't everyone want a view of the American Girl Doll Store? Gross.
Charlie's room is the only room that looks like an episode of Hoarder's blew up in it. Oops!
You can't have too many bear hat pictures:)
He's been doing great at trying to eat his hands and use his pacifier!
Judge for yourself, but I see red hair...
In other news, I started back to work this week as a professional business woman.
I was dreading it initially, but I'm pretty lucky to have such a great group of work peeps to welcome me back into the working world:) Thanks Hyatt team!
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