Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday, January 6, 2012

A few moments after I posted the NYE post, the hospital called us to talk about Charlie.  Earlier in the day there was a small amount of blood in his stool.  The doctors noticed a few smalls cuts (the medical term is called fishers) on his little baby butt:(  To try and determine what was going on, they held his feedings and placed him on antibiotics and an IV for fluids.  This was quite a scare for Chuck and I to receive a call at midnight after we had left a happy, seemingly healthy baby earlier in the day.  Charlie showed no other symptoms and seemed to stump the doctors with what was going on. To be safe and give his bowels a rest, the doctors decided to hold his feeds for the next 48 hours.  On Friday, I met with the doctors during their normal rounds and they felt Charlie was able to resume feeding again. They cannot be 100% certain, but felt the blood in his stool was most likely caused by his fishers and not something more concerning.

Today was Charlie's 10 week birthday and we were so happy to nurse him and give him a full feed with his bottle!  Charlie was doing great but his temperature was a little low this evening.  The nurses are taking his temp every 15 minutes to make sure it stays within a normal range for preemies. Always something to worry about in the NICU:)  Keep your positive thoughts coming for Charlie as we hope to near the home stretch!

When our nieces were really young, they came to visit Uncle Chuck and Aunt Sarah.  We of course had to visit the Disney Store and buy something:)  Emily decided on Chick Little (or Chuck Little) and Piglet (which of course was me!)  

Now Chuck Little is able to stay with Charlie and watch over  him - Piglet is not in the photo, but she is there too:)

The ups and downs get so frustrating, but how can you be upset with this face:)  

Charlie was such a trooper taking his pacifier this week instead of his bottles.
I'm pretty positive I did notice a few eye rolls at the nurse and I as we gave it to him - he knew it wasn't food;)

Happy 10 Weeks!!!

So photogenic!  
He gets this from Daddy since I have a face for radio!!!  
(joke courtesy of Angela:))

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