Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Sorry for the delay in updates.  I've been busy from spending days at the hospital to spending nights watching Real Housewives of Atlanta, Beverly Hills and Miami.  Chuck is amazed that you can spend so much time watching the same episodes over and over and over again. 

We had quite an eventful Thanksgiving.  Chuck and I were on our way to the hospital and received a call from one of Charlie's doctors.  His white blood cells were elevated and was most likely fighting off an infection.  To determine the type of infection and focus treatment, the doctors needed to test his blood, urine and spinal/brain fluid. To sample h spinal/brain fluid they needed to do a spinal tap on Charlie.  This happens to premature babies, but very scarey when it's your baby and he's only 2 pounds.  The results came back from all the tests on Saturday and all was "clean".  The doctors are keeping Charlie on antibiotics to treat any sort of infection that may be left.  So far so good.  He also received an additional blood transfusion and his pale color seems a little less pale:)  Charlie's weight was also up and down all week.  We are hoping that it starts moving in the right direction again.

We are so thankful to have the best support system in the world.  We continued to be overwhelmed with the kind words and well wishes from so many people.  We cannot thank you enough. 

More visitors for Charlie!  - Erin G.stopped by and brought Mommy the best neckace!  Thanks Erin:)

Adam and Heidi visiting our Little Chuck

Our teeny turkey:)

Who would have thunk a bib would cover one's entire body?

My first mom craft DONE - Felt Turkey with Pilgrim Hat

For the spinal tap procedure Charlie was given some "yard time" and was place in an open isolette.  He was later placed back in his normal home:)

The Terhune's first Thanksgiving!

Rub a dub dub - Charlie's first tub!!!!

Not the best pics of Charlie, but had to post to show how humid his isolette is.  Please note the "kinky"/fluffy hair that Charlie has acquired.  And maybe it's the lighting - but doesn't it look red???  OMG

One last token "sleeping baby" shot:)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Cribs - NICU Edition

I finally brought in some bedding for Charlie's isolette (Charlie's bed).  Chuck and I were getting tired of the hospital blankets and having some personal things for Charlie to use has improved my sanity:) Below are some pics of Charlie's new crib. Some swaddle and receiving blankets has done wonders with the place - don't you think?!

Charlie's weight was up 60 grams, so he is back where he was a few days ago.  He seems to be a little on the pale side, so the doctors are going to check his hemoglobin and may need to give him another blood transfusion. Or they will determine they have his mother's very pale complexion:)

Sunday, November 17, 2012

Happy 3 Weeks Charlie!

It's hard to be believe it's already been 3 weeks!  Charlie's IV was removed yesterday - which is great news! Today he lost a little weight, but overall doing ok.  Below are some pics from his three week photoshoot:) 


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I think we're alone now...

After a roller coaster of almost 3 weeks, Chuck and I have been left to ourselves:)  We are so thankful for the support of our friends and family (THANK YOU GRANDMA WENDI!!!!!) but we are also happy to have some time together.

This week had a few ups and downs for Charlie.  He has continue to put on weight, which is fantastic.  Yesterday he was just shy of 2 lbs. 3 oz, which is amazing.  His feeds are up to 14 cc - and last night the nurses said they would be removing his IV.  With the current amount he is getting from his feeds, the IV is just above and beyond what he needs.  We will find out this afternoon if everything went as planned.

We also had a few worries.  Charlie's heart murmur came back.  On Tuesday our nurse noticed the murmur during one of his checks, but then it was gone a few hours later.  The murmur has been on and off all this week.  I think this is common to see, but still a little unnerving that it's back.  They will continue to monitor this and assess if they need to proceed with the medication again or perhaps surgery.

This week also marked the end of a honeymoon period for Charlie's breathing pattern.  Until now, his breathing has been fairly normal.  Charlie started experiencing Bradycardia's and oxygen desaturation.  These are both common characteristics in preemies, but I was hoping he wouldn't have difficulties with these since we had been mostly in the clear these last two weeks.

Overall, Charlie is doing well:)  He has another new friend in the NICU, Curtis and is getting ready for Thanksgiving!  As usual, Charlie had a few girlfriends visit him this week:)

Charlie and his gigantic pacifier

Completely passed out:)

 Oh hello, you're back with that camera.

 Aunt Colleen coming to visit!

 Charlie and Dad - right before Charlie puked and pooped on Daddy!
That latter was not caught on camera.

Charlie and Grandma Wendi:)  Thanks for taking care of me and Mommy!!!

Charlie loves blondes and brunettes:)  
Thanks Katie and Carissa for visiting - and for the cupcakes!

Charlie and Grandma Christine!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

We have a 2 pound baby!

I never would have thought learning our baby was 2 pounds would be so amazing!  We were delighted to arrive to the NICU and find that Charlie's weight was up to 2 lbs 1 oz.  So great!  He also increased his feedings from 6 cc to 8 cc.  There are still a little residual that comes with each feeding - but overall he's doing well with the increase.

Lounging on my bed.

Hanging out with Sophie.